Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Adam Fawer. From a brilliant new talent comes a riveting novel of chance, fate, and numbers, and one man's strange journey past the boundaries of the possible. David Caine inhabits a world of obsession, rich rewards, and rapid, destructive downfalls. A compulsive gambler and brilliant mathematician prone to crippling epileptic seizures, he possesses the uncanny ability to calculate odds of any hand in the blink of an eye. But one night at an underground poker club, Caine makes a costly misscalculation, sending his life spinning out of control. Desperate, he agrees to test an experimental drug with unnerving side effects: inexplicable visions of the past, present, and future. Unsure whether he's perceiving an alternate reality or suffering a psychotic breakdown, Caine embarks on a journey that stretches beyond the possible into the world of the improbable. Gradually, he discovers the extent of his astonishing Best No Limit Texas Holdem Poker Books ability -- but powerful, shadowy forces know Caine's secret. Now Caine must fight for his survival -- and his sanity. Loading interface About the author. Adam Fawer 8 books followers. Improbable, his first novel, has been translated into more than five languages and won the International Thriller Writers Award for best first novel. His second novel, Empathy, has been published in in German, Japanese and Turkish. During his corporate career, Fawer worked for a variety of companies including Sony Music, J. Morgan, and most recently, About. Fawer lives in New York with his partner and two sons. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. Author 2 books followers. Burada eskiden yazdığım bir yorum vardı, hakkında yapılan polemiklerden sıkıldığım için silmiştim. Özetle, bir dönemin çok popüler bir kitabıydı, ancak sadece popüler kitap okumaları bir süre sonra sıkıyor, yetersiz geliyor. Klasikler, şiir, vb. Adam Fawer e şapka çıkarıyorum. Αγαπω να διαβαζω βιβλια που μεσα απο την πλοκη τους, μαθαινεις καινουρια πραγματα. Σομοθα, here i come!!! I have read it in Turkish so i am going to review it in two language So, i've read Empaty first, and like EmpatyImprobable is one of the best sci-fiction books i have ever read! I love sci-fiction, i am glad that Improbable gave me a lot of action, sci-fiction and excitement It made me love math more, which i never loved, love physics much more Laplace's devil? I have never thought about deja vu and odds and a lot of futures which are waiting to happen and Best No Limit Texas Holdem Poker Books happen because of our desicions The plot was the best of this book: action, complexity of events and real, solid characters are brilliant! Don't want to spoil anything, just to say something about characters: David Caine: our lovely protagonist Very clever, talented man who tries to make a"a happy end" for everyone after his failure on his life He is kind hearted, but also knows how to make sinciere desicions I loved this character so much, even he has some flaws like being gambler Nava Vaner: Russian girl but unlike anyone else, she is a very talented spy Like everyone else in this book she also has some flaws but for the one AIM, she did her best! I am sure he is For not being spoiler i stop the review This book is Excellent! Kitapın kurgusu, olayların gidişi, düşünceler, karakterlerin canlılığı ve özel olmaları Bu kitap bir baş yapıt! Bunları kitapı okudukdan sonra daha iyi anladım Çok memnunum ki, Adam Favver kendi hayallerinin peşinden koşmuş ve kitap yazarı olmaya karar vermiş Onu alkışlıyorum Kitapı çok insan Empati ile karşılaşdırıyor, ama bence her ikisi kendine göre muhteşem. Paul Weiss. Great science but the Byzantine plot is tough to follow!
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