The Millionaire Matchmaker. Uygun info. Sezon 7. Sezon 6. Sezon 5. Sezon 4. Sezon 3. Sezon 2. Sezon 1. Patti focuses on her first two clients who scream NYC. Derek Tabacco, a bigger than life sports fanatic with a lot to learn about the ladies, and Bryce Gruber, a 26 year old heiress with attitude to spare. With looks, brains, and charm, Albie seemingly has it all, but ever since he has been seen on TV, he feels most girls are after him for the wrong reasons. Chris is a whole different problem and Patti's youngest client ever. Starting to question her move east, Patti has two clients that truly test her patience. David David Mitchell Wife Poker, is a year-old gay business owner who is exceptionally judgmental and bases everything on looks. Patti's other millionaire is Jason Teich, a year-old tough-talking, heavy-drinking Bro from Brooklyn who rather spend a night with his boys than look for the girl of his dreams. Patti has two of the most difficult and demanding clients this week. Beth Shak is a professional poker player who has made tons of money, but is unsuccessful in love because she mothers her men by cooking, cleaning and buying everything for them. At 40 years old, Sean Hull has never had a relationship longer than 6 months. Maybe that is because he talks about wanting a "two-dollar ho who likes to be controlled. Destin, with much trepidation, announces that they have not one but two millionairesses this week: Sky, the fabulous globetrotting DJ and Stacy, the mother of four with what seems like nine careers. Patti meets Stacy and feels her energy is scattered due to the midlife crisis she is going through. Sky is confident and beautiful, but Patti wonders what type of man is going to be able to make her put the passport in the drawer. PJ is a beach bum millionaire who lives in the Bahamas David Mitchell Wife Poker does not want to grow up. He is the "I'd rather be surfing" bumper sticker come to life. Cindy, on the other hand, is the romance novel cover queen who is looking for her real-life Prince Charming. Patti uses all her tricks this week as she asks Leah to meet Jordan at a restaurant before the mixer, but there's a twist. Lillian Glass, the resident body language expert, looks on secretly to help teach them how to attract their ideal mates. Patti finds that Doug the divorce lawyer is always looking for a bigger better deal when it comes to women. He is very proud of his body and assortment of tattoos, not to mention his suspiciously perfect abs and pecs. Wallstreeter David's mixed messages and serial killer stare aggravate and unravel Patti. He wants to find true love but looks for it in all the wrong places. Patti is beyond excited that Judith Regan, the queen of all media, has joined her club. Judith wants to laugh at this point in her life and claims that sex is absolutely not necessary for her anymore. Patti also finds time for Andrea, a workaholic catering company owner from Long Island, who is also looking for love, but needs to stop thinking about work so much.
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