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Narrative theme: displacement, exile, migration Use for: fiction that has major themes relating to diasporas, dispersion, asylum, deracination, forced relocation, cultural transitions, forced journeys, living in exile, being exiled, emigration, expatriation, immigration, refugees, forced resettlement, etc Ayrıca bakınız: FXV Narrative theme: journeys and voyages 1. Body art and tattoos Also class here: body piercing, body painting as art. Güvenli işlem. Grafik olmayan sanat türleri Use for: general works on non-graphic forms of art, or art using forms not listed below, including newer forms of media. Medya çalışmaları: Gazetecilik Also class here: the Press, newspapers, news media, journalists and reporters, online and print journalism, communicating news and events Ayrıca bakınız: KNTP Yayımcılık sektörü ve gazetecilik 1.
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Hatta normal arama sistemlerinden bile. Bu İndex Ne İşe Yarıyacak? English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. Çünkü index içindeyken CTRL+F yaparak kolayca aradığnızı bulabiliyorsunuz. , , Modification v, View, WDMG, Board, table top and strategy games, Class here: mahjong dogs, TVH, WN, Çiftlik ve yük hayvanları: genel. Poker. Mahjong Deluxe 3, Mahjong Magic Journey, Mahjong World Contest (麻将), Make it Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, Slime Rancher, Small Town Terrors.Use with: AGC for catalogues of exhibitions dedicated to a single artist. Refah ve fayda sistemleri Also class here: welfare state, state or official provisions of welfare benefits, policies about welfare benefits, types of welfare benefits and systems, social policies linked to welfare, social protections. Radyo oyunları, senaryo ve performanslar Also class here: radio drama, audio theatre, spoken word only performances. They release multiple games for each every month, and the titles are just getting better and better. Future generations Use for: works that examine hypothetical groups of people as yet unborn, works that look at Intergenerational equity for future generations. Also, if you have a Vita, I really can't stress that you really should subscribe. Seçimler ve referandum Sınıflandırın: sefoloji. İki-dillilik ve çok-dillilik Also class here: plurilingualism, code-switching, language alternation. Holy crap - that's when it made all the sense in the world to sign up for this. Oyunu sonunda bitirdim. Use for: fantasy stories with darker and frightening themes, often incorporating elements of horror or that have a gloomy and threatening atmosphere or a sense of horror and dread 1. Hümanist psikoloji Also class here: Humanistic therapy, Person-centred therapy, Gestalt therapy, existential therapy, solution-focused therapy, transactional analysis. Use for: works about smaller domestic, but not necessarily residential, buildings and structures, often connected with leisure, holidays, recreation or pleasure 1. These are usually graded by language level and breadth of vocabulary. Use for: works that examine class, a particular class, characteristics and distinctions of that class, interaction between different strata of society, perceptions and prejudices about particular classes. Okült kurgu Use for: works where major themes of the story deal with the darker side of witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, demonic possession, satanism, mysterious or secret knowledge, or other paranormal phenomenon. Ezoterik gerilim Kutsal kadeh vb. Capitalism Also class here: laissez-faire, market economies, free market, neoliberal economics, corporate capitalism, mercantilism, etc. Social pedagogy Use for: works about social pedagogy as a field of study 1. Use for: social care aspect, community and government policies and associated professions or roles. Alınması gereken oyun. Biyografi: kraliyet ailesi Also class here: biographical works about empresses, emperors, queens, kings, princesses, princes, sovereigns, monarchs, royal families or dynasties or others who are considered royal. Güç odakları ve lobicilik Sınıflandırın: lobicilik, protestolar, sivil itaatsizlik, pasif direniş. Toplum-Dilbilim Sosyolengüistik Also class here: Identity and language learning, language and Identity, linguistic anthropology, sociocultural linguistics, study of the sociological aspects of language, dialectology, gender-inclusive language, gender-neutral language. And I know Persona was on it at one time as well as Assassin's Creed. Kısa hikayeler Also class here: Anthologies or collections of short works of fiction either by the same author or by multiple authors. Cultural policies and debates Use for: works about current debates, policies, ideas, controversies around the role of culture or cultural heritage in society, debates about clashes of cultural values or beliefs, debates about cultural imperialism, cultural diversity, the nature of culture, social and political policies linked to culture, debates about funding and political policies in culture 1. Anlatımsal tema: Erişkinliğe ulaşma Burada sınıflandırın: Bildungsroman oluşum romanı 1. Use with: other subject codes when the miscellany covers one broad subject, e. Maliye Use for: general works on finance, financial theories or works that deal with multiple aspects of finance or financial topics, or works on the financial services sector, financial institutions, financial companies, alternative financial services or the businesses that manage money or the international financial architecture or system.