We Poker Tattoo Desi Ng cookies to ensure the functionality of our website. By closing this message, you are agree to our privacy policy. IJEM is a leading, peer-reviewed, open access, research journal that provides an online forum for studies in education, by and for scholars and practitioners, worldwide. Sevda Ceylan-DadakoğluVedat Özsoy. This research aims at revealing the effects of Second Life SL application used in virtual environment in art and design education of creativity. This research is a qualitative study conducted evaluating the results of a group of 16 students studying art and design at universities, for a period of 12 weeks. For SL, a 3D, online, multi-user virtual environment was chosen as the study area. The study group discovered SL during the application process. They made numerous trials, took risks and tried different solutions in SL. The design process that started with an avatar creation continued with 3D design, adding texture, colour, and script to objects and creating a notecard. Keywords: Creativity, second life, art and design education. Aksoy, N. Eğitsel dijital oyunların eğitsel çıktılara etkisi: araştırma kanıtları [The impact of educational digital games on educational outcomes: Research evidence]. Ocak Ed. Pegem A. Ball, S. Black, J. Creativity in digital art education teaching practices. Art Education64 5 Burgess, M. Teaching and learning in Second Poker Tattoo Desi Ng Using the community of inquiry CoI model to support online instruction with graduate students in instructional technology. Internet and Higher Education13 1 Bulbul, H. Görsel sanatlar eğitiminde alternatif bir öğretim ortamı olarak Second Life. Dinçer EdsEğitim bilimlerinde yenilikler ve nitelik arayışı [Second Life as an alternative teaching environment in visual arts education] pp. Canbek, N. Anadolu University. Cakıroglu, U. Öğretmenlerin teknoloji entegrasyonlarına yönelik temel göstergeler: Bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması [Basic indicators for teachers' technology integration: A scale development study]. Cellek, T. Sanat ve bilim eğitiminde yaratıcılık [Creativity in art and science education]. Pivolka2 88 Dolunay, A. Teknolojinin görsel sanatlar ve sanat eğitimine katkısı [The contribution of technology on visual arts and art education]. Erbas, C. Eğitimde sanal ve artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları [Virtual and augmented reality applications in education]. Akkoyunlu, A. Odabaşı EdsEğitim teknolojileri okumaları [Educational technology readings ] pp. Erol, O. Fox, J. Çocuklarda sanat ve yaratcılığın gelişimi [The development of art and creativity in children] N. Duman, Trans.
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